A Typical Day in a Digital Life

The following is a short account of what a typical day in a digital life is for me, showing how my daily activities are influenced by the use of digital tools. I start my day when I awake to the sound of the digital alarm at 6:00 am. I get up to turn it off.

One of the first things I do is check my emails on my mobile, I put on my digital watch so my steps start recording towards my daily target of 10,000 steps. I ask my smart speaker to play the radio or I will ask it to set another alarm to help me wake up.

The previous night I set up my coffee machine, with a filter of coffee, water, and Barista Soy in the travel mug. It starts to heat up and gurgle at 6:am and fills the mug to the brim, as I awaken to the smell of freshly made coffee.

I will take a quick look at SMS/ text messages and check my social media, Facebook and Twitter for any new feeds or changes in activity, on my phone or laptop.

I will also check my Plesk virtual server for maintenance issues and updates and run any updates or any suggested optimization apps. I will also if I have time check my Plesk virtual server to see how some of my websites are doing, with the Google Site Kit Dashboard console and analytics tools. If not then I will check them later with the app on my mobile phone

If I need to buy anything, how convenient it is to look it up on the internet (Amazon, eBay, or another site) and make a purchase for it to be delivered. At work, I use my laptop again to check emails, create PowerPoint presentations and download useful information for use during the day.

My smart watch and mobile are connected by Bluetooth and both will occasionally vibrate to indicate a new message or telephone call or email being received.

Later after work, I will check emails again and start to think of ideas for new content for my website and SEO strategies.

When it gets dark I will use an app on my phone to turn the lights on and off.  My home has full high-speed fibre optics for the internet and Tri Band Router to boost the Wi-Fi to all corners of my home. The high speed fiber optics means it is able to cope with several devices at once. In short, almost everything I do during the day is about using digital tools to help me. This is what the typical day is about and reflects what most people do these days.

Some will even become very stressed if they cannot find their mobile and become frantic at the thought of it being lost. How many times have you seen someone walking down the street mobile in hand and eyes glued to the screen, seemingly oblivious to their surroundings beyond the screen? They are scrolling through their emails or using their thumbs to input a text message


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