Remote Online Work

online work

online work
Location: This is remote online work you can do from your smartphone, laptop, or tablet. We are looking for people from all countries (though you will need to be English speaking)…

Requirements: When you sign up you will be emailed a link to the videos, which you’ll need to download and then re-upload to YouTube. So, you need a smartphone or a tablet and an internet connection to do that. A laptop with a keyboard would help when communicating with your clients via email too, but it isn’t necessary. You will need 30 hours a week to dedicate to this, although your working times will be flexible.

Experience necessary: If you’ve never posted a YouTube video before, it’s very easy and you will be provided with full training. Posting takes 10-15 minutes and then you simply wait for the video to upload. I am sure once you’ve done a couple you’ll have the hang of it and be able to breeze through your daily video uploads in no time at all.

I am sure you will know that easy remote jobs like this one are in huge demand. I mean, posting videos to YouTube doesn’t even sound like a job, yet companies will pay you up to $900 a week to do so. Ok so not every type of work is going to pay this rate, but the rates are very competitive. Click on the button below to learn more about registering and becoming a freelance “Online Assistant”, how to do freelance work doing tasks and projects at home on behalf of companies. You can set your own working hours and work from home or anywhere there is an internet connection.
Here is the link for more details:


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