Earn Lots of Money with Organic Traffic

If you want to earn lots of money with organic traffic online make sure you keep reading to the end of this article so that you learn everything you need to know.

1. First the content creation process – how about reducing the article writing process from around 5-6 hours to about 10-15 minutes? It’s actually a very simple process where it doesn’t involve you doing all the work and it is relatively inexpensive
2. Unlimited article ideas – what about a supply of unlimited ideas to write about? That’s for any niche, and I will show you where to find these.
3. I will show you my free content outsourcing template.
4. Traffic – all of this is for more organic traffic, so we need to find Non-competitive keywords that we can create content around. Then we get traffic from the search engines for free from those keywords


– you can use a keyword tool like ahrefs, for example, try “calories” . You can see there are all kinds of things from how many calories in a banana, to chicken breast, calories in an egg, how many calories in terms of weight, and so on.

As a new website pick keywords that are 10 or less (<) KD (Keyword Difficulty). Filter the search results to select KD <10 and hit apply which in the ahrefs tool will give us all of the keywords that are less than 10 competition (KD). For example, so you can do something like 1. “bagel calories” or 2. “cabbage calories” or 3. “croissant calories”. Obviously, you have to make it relevant to your niche and congruent with your website and topics/subjects covered. It’s always important to remember how you’re going to make money with this if we’re going to do something like calories. We know that people are typing in calories because they probably want to “lose weight” or are “conscious of how many calories they are consuming”
Keep this information in the back of our mind.
1. then when we pick a keyword
2. what we want to do first and foremost is turn that keyword into a readable topic.

This is very important so what we’re going to do is we’re going to say how can we take this keyword and tie it in with whatever our offer is on our website. If it’s a dieting product we could do something like “croissant calories – should you eat them if you want to lose weight” or
“croissant calories why they’re making you fat”

NB It’s got to be something people actually want to read. That sparks some curiosity and intrigue, a heading that grabs attention. With that in mind, I will use some keyword phrases in the title. I could use these with my keyword to make a headline for my article that’s really easy to read and actually gets people’s interest. So if we’re going for like calories in a croissant or croissant calories we could pair that with one of these in a really easy way something like “discover the truth about croissant calories and why you’re still fat”

We’re going to take a look at some other keywords in a niche.
One of the keywords I found was for newegg affiliate program this is an affiliate program for a computer store. They pay really well and what we’re going to do is go for the keyword “newegg affiliate program” that has about 350 searches a month plus subcategory words so it looks pretty good. So what we’re going to do is do something like newegg affiliate program “How to make money” or “Newegg affiliate program how I made x” obviously keep it real or “Newegg an affiliate program where to find it”

So let’s look at “How to make money with the newegg affiliate program”. So we would go through and we’re going to do our readable topic.
We are going to go ahead and turn that into an easy researchable article. So something like “newegg affiliate program plus 10 ways to make money”.
Now we have our keyword phrase we have to research something like fast food calories or egg mcmuffin calories. We could do egg mcmuffin calories plus other breakfast alternatives that have fewer calories. Or how to lose weight or something like that, so we want to make this a researchable headline. Something that’s very based on what the user wants and what we want to direct our article writer to do.
Next it is very important that you do these examples as they are going to really focus in on what you want the writer to do.


Now I have this what I am going to start outsourcing. This is the next part and it is going to cost you a little bit of money.
What we want to do is make sure that we have a good chance of ranking for our keyword and we want to know approximately how much this keyword is going to make if we get traffic from it. This is known as the rank chance and the profit chance.

Approximate visitors per month

Using a keyword planner/finder tool you can work out the searches for each keyword per month and then estimate how many visitors you will get to your website.
For something like “newegg affiliate program”, this is a term searched by those people looking to do affiliate marketing. There are about 250 – 350 every month. I can estimate that I should be able to get about 50 or 100 visitors. If my product sells pretty well it could be around $300 to $1000 per month. If I guess that I will make at least one sale a year off one keyword that is my profit chance. That is low. I then ask the question “is it worth outsourcing an article for $6, $10 or even $20?”
I simply repeat the process with other keywords to get more pieces of content that are going to make more money over the long run.

Getting Content Created

This is how you build a business. Use Hire Writers to Create Articles. On the site, click Order Articles.
Input the project description, e.g.“newegg affiliate program”, then under my keyword for the title type “newegg affiliate program plus 10 ways to make money”. The price varies based on

1. how urgent the article is and
2. how skilled you want the article writer to be.

General and skilled is usually enough to get the job done. What we are asking the writer to do is ,
1. do the research to save us time
2. write an article like a first draft, then,
3. we can edit and change it to make it work so In 6 or 24 hours I will have an article.

Once I have the article as I have already said I can change, amend edit and make my own. With images, affiliate links, etc… I can also repurpose it. That is make a video or presentation, pdf, free gift booklet, etc…

Choose an article length.

1000 to 2000 words which should be plenty for this if you want something beefier, you can do that. But we’re going to add to it any way. We want the outsourcers to do the bulk of the work for us.

Choose a category.

Here we’re going to do business and investing since this is about business. Now we can see here if you don’t do the 6 -hour article return you could see a skilled writer is only around $14 to have them write this. The general writer is $11 and a Beginner writer is only $8. Now of course depending on the topic you want. (prices at the time of writing)

If I went for “calories in an egg mcmuffin” I don’t need a thousand words so we could do 500 to 700 words and you can see that one is only $6.90 or even $4.82, so that is really inexpensive. This will save 3-4 hours of research and the headache of writing it. Stick to the high paying stuff which is
1. finding the keywords
2. getting the article outsourced and
3. putting my offers on it

We can get the video out. A skilled writer is $22 and we’re going to do 1000 to 2000 words which will be about $28. since we’re adding the add-on $21 if you’re doing the 6-hour turnaround.
What we’re going to do next is paste in a template that I have. It gives our article writer something to go off.

Special Instructions

We put special instructions so that we direct the writer what to do so we’re going to do “newegg affiliate program plus 10 ways to make money”
Special instructions – type in something like “please make an article about the new egg affiliate program how much they pay where they can sign up and how it works also include some of the top-selling categories they can promote please also list 10 ways that they can make money with the new egg affiliate program”. It is a good idea to use a template for every instruction as it makes it a lot easier and quicker to get the instructions written. It is also important to say “this is not an SEO article” especially if you tell them to do SEO
it’s not going to make much sense because they’re going to try to do SEO stuff then we’re going to say
make sure the keyword density is three percent for this article just focus on the keywords in your article title then I’m gonna give them some
examples and then leave everything else the same.
Next, I google search for “newegg affiliate program” – find 3-4 links that I like for the writer to use and paste them into the instructions
Order the article so it’s going to be $28 because we want it quickly.
Hit submit job and boom they’re going to write the article

Check on how they did.

if it’s not good we can ask them to request a revision and they’ll revise it. You just put some notes of what you want them to do and if it’s absolutely terrible you could just hit fire the writer and get a new writer. Although I think it’s good practice to give them the chance to do the revision.
Check they have it’s got the essential “newegg affiliate program 10 ways to make money” one percent so it talks about all the stuff there make money out of the newegg program.
So it talks about niche websites the benefits of joining it’s free to join shows them where to join everything like that banner ads so if it looks like a good article and they have input the details as instructed then confirm acceptance.
You can leave them a tip if you want to or favorite the writer if you think they did a really good job and then you’re ready to go. If you have no complaints go ahead and hit accept article. Now we have our article here under download content now I can take a look at this right here and click on this one and go to download this is going to download the article to my computer. Hit show in folder and then simply go in and extract to get our article.
Now we have the article in a text format.

Copy all the content and run it through a plagiarism checker e.g. grammarly and we can see there’s no plagiarism.
Other FREE plagiarism checkers include the following:–








Edit and Publish to a Website

I am going to tidy the article up a little so I’ll put my title and go right into the essential stuff. Now what I want to do on this article is I want to check and see for like redundant text or duplicated text and I will check the formatting because obviously the formatting needs to be optimized for visitors. A good headline is essential to grab attention and in bold.
A good headline could be something like “create your niche website here in 15 minutes”. Make some key phrases bold to stand out if they are key to the subject matter of the article/blog post. You can also link it to an affiliate offer. Open affiliate offers in a new tab so the visitor does not leave your site.
Take a look at the other stuff so start by carrying out keyword research. Go through and do a little bit of research and find examples so if I wanted to find like an example of stuff they can use a tool like Ahrefs. Just go into ahrefs or whatever keyword tool and do something like computer supplies or cheap ram for your hard drive or cheap ram for your computer. Give them some sample keywords The best thing to do right now is get this thing out there so it’ll start ranking. Then you can add to it as you go along. Now we have the benefits of joining so I’m just going to clean this up a little bit. We will have our description then we’ll do the same thing here right like this and again we’re going to check for grammar and anything we can add. We can always add to this over time as well now we have 10 ways you can make money with the newegg affiliate program.
Let’s get that one the right way back it up here boom like that do the same thing here like that and you can add images and stuff like that I like to use images from clipart.com or whatever and then you can also add links of where they can sign up. Make sure if you’re linking out to a website you definitely open it in a new tab so they never leave your website.
If you want to make the headlines bold you can do that as well. Put images and Ads in. I want to put some affiliate links and then I put screenshots and things of the affiliate program. All the content and all the research here was actually outsourced so what I’m going to do is I am going to get the code (using the button voodoo plugin). It’s not like anything else you’ve ever seen.
We are going to get the code for the button voodoo and put this throughout the article, and then put it on the bottom as well and what this is going to do is it’s actually going to put my
affiliate links and my offer links in the content so now I have this ready to hit publish. Now we have a brand-new post about new egg affiliate program plus 10 ways to make money.

I got my affiliate links in here and other links all that make this a decent looking article. It’s very simple now the cool thing about this and I want you to realize that you want to use outsourcers to get the research done for you. Don’t expect them to make it perfect. I know this article is not perfect. I know there’s things I need to add to it but we want to put it out there and get it ranked so that we could start to get that traffic and then start to evaluate what’s going on.
Later I can turn this into a video and get Youtube traffic.
I can turn it into a press release and get press release traffic so using your article outsourcers is a great fast way to do this.
I know there’s lots of automated content spinners and all kinds of junk to find keywords that are not competitive and start building content for them and having people do the research for you and it’s simple, but you have to choose carefully.

I find the keywords I get the people to do the research I fancy up the articles tidy them up a bit, then add links and start getting traffic and rinse and repeat and grow and build. When you use this method it works. The better it ranks the more traffic every day. That’s FREE traffic, organic traffic



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