eBikes a modern alternative to cars and public transport and here are 10 reasons why you should have one.
1. eBikes are Fun
There are lots of good reasons why you should cycle, either to work or for sheer enjoyment as a regular leisure activity, or on holiday and particularly with others. But it is fun to get out and cycle around neighbourhood or further afield exploring the different terrains and surroundings. It can be a social activity as well and there are lots of cycling clubs around a way of meeting new friends.
2. eBikes are good for Fitness
Fitness is good for you, since it improves your health makes you stronger not only your legs, which obviously are being used all of the time but also your core muscles, you abdomen, chest and shoulders and arms having to hold onto the handlebars. It also makes you feel more confident when you know your fitness levels are improving with every ebikes ride. When your core muscles become toned up your balance improves. Your weight is supported by the seat so less pressure is put on your knees. If you lack the confidence with your fitness level or are recovering from an injury, you may like to consider an electric bike, such as the Raleigh Stow-E-Way,
A close up of a bicycle a folding bike with strong but light frame, for a video review click HERE .
As with everything, the more you do, the more you will improve. Your stamina will also improve, which means it also helps with your mental health and well-being. It is a proven fact that physical exercise stimulates and positivity, builds confidence and not forgetting the fact that saving money is also beneficial.
3. Happiness
With any exercise the brain is stimulated with the release of endorphins, the feel good factor hormones. These create a more positive stronger feeling and helps with increasing stamina and focus. exercise makes you feel happier. Exercise also increases not only stamina but also concentration levels, so it takes longer for you to get tired the more exercise, the more you do. Cycling outside will help you become happier particularly if you cycle with others as a member of a cycling club, and/or friends.
4. Saves money
It’s affordable and the benefits of saving money is always a good feeling especially. Having extra money in the pocket to do other things because cycling costs very little in terms of maintenance is a huge boost.
Compared to a car, for example
- no fuel,
- no road tax,
- no large service bills for parts and labour.
- Bikes are also exempt from congestion charges in cities that have introduced them.
- You do not have to pay for transport or
- no parking in order to ride a bike.
- Commuting to work rather than driving or using public transport is a big saving, and over time that will be more noticeable.
Saving money means that you can use it for other things and obviously the fact that you save money will make you happy.
5. Environmentally friendly
Riding back means that you are not contributing to pollution that cars and other vehicles do through their exhausts. You do not harm or cause road where wears heavy vehicles obviously do contribute towards the and the bill for road repairs. The more cyclists there are cleaner streets would be and the clearer the streets would be from traffic.
6. Routes for eBikes
To found out more about cycling search the local borough council and county council’s website, for maps of established, new and proposed cycling routes. You are in control so plan your route and avoid traffic hazards and congestion. Cyclists can avoid getting stuck in queues of traffic at roundabouts, junctions and traffic lights. Once you are at your destination, it is generally very easy to find a place to secure your bike. So, no worries no parking required and no parking charges.
7. Longer journeys
If you want to take your bike on a longer journey with the use of public transport, plan your journey beforehand. With trains you can take bikes on board. However, it’s advisable to use the ‘https://nationalrail.co.uk’ website and the ‘PlusBike’ App to find out exactly and what facilities etc… are available for you to take your bike with you. For this purpose, Folding bikes are obviously an advantage over non-folding bikes. There are a number of folding bikes manufactured by Raleigh and below is a selection
The folding bike on the left is the Raleigh Evo Electric folding bike 20” wheels and the one on the right is the Raleigh Evo folding Bike, 20” wheels.
Particularly on buses, folding bikes will be allowed on board at the discretion of the bus driver. This is a similar discretion that drivers have as with push chairs.
A picture containing building, outdoor, way, sidewalk
Description automatically generated Here we have someone waiting for a bus carrying Raleigh folding bike.
8. Cycling Helps to Boost the UK Economy
This is a perhaps not an easily identifiable and reason, but it in fact makes towns and cities more desirable to visitors and tourists. It makes them more accessible to visitors and friendlier because of the use of bikes which is a environmentally better form of transport. A report by the Centre for Research into Energy Demand Solutions (https://www.creds.ac.uk/wp-content/pdfs/CREDS-Shifting-the-focus-July2019.pdf)has found that electric cars will not solve the UK’s traffic congestion and calls on the UK Government to devise a strategy allowing people to have a good standard of living without a car. Cycling on the other hand makes for a cheaper friendlier cleaner community alternative. The above report… “converges on policy packages aimed at reducing the need to travel by better land-use planning, restrictions on car use in central, residential, and environmentally sensitive locations, and facilitating transfer of car trips to public transport, walking and cycling by reallocation of expenditures, street design, pricing and regulation”
9. National Cycle Network
Throughout the UK there are more cycling paths and lanes and traffic free lanes being made available for cyclists. The public awareness and interest in cycling increases the safety of cyclists and the roots nationwide can be accessed at ‘http://sustrans.org.uk’. This is a national network of routes which cyclists can use and avoid traffic either all of the time, or at least some of the traffic.
10. The Benefits of eBikes Outweigh the Risks
The main concern of cyclists or anyone thinking about taking up cycling is the danger of going on roads or near traffic where accidents can happen. However, the more cyclists there are, the less traffic there will be on the roads and the fewer accidents will happen and. At the present time it is more likely that an accident will happen while driving a car or lorry than with a cyclist. This means it is still a very safe way to travel, particularly if you have the right equipment, protective clothing a helmet and use of hi-viz jacket, so that you are noticed by drivers and cyclists alike.
Bad weather is sometimes used as an excuse for not cycling, but there is only around a 6.4% chance of there being bad weather in the UK alone.
It is expensive. It’s only expensive if you want to buy an expensive bike. There are lots of bikes which are very affordable and on terms, if needed. It is far less expensive to maintain a bike than it is a motorcar, particularly in terms of fuel consumption and servicing. There is also no road tax for riding a bike.
Sometimes the excuse is made that it is not sporty enough. However, it is a sport with growing popularity in this country owing to recent successes in the Tour de France and he Olympics
Generally, when outside and cycling the breeze created while you are cycling is ample to keep you cool during the summer months.
No parking spaces are needed for leaving/ parking a bike securely. There are plenty of fences and frames etc… where you can safely secure a bike without having to pay.
Now is an exciting for getting on the bike and going places, with Raleigh you are assured lasting quality.