How to Optimize a Plesk Servers?

How to Optimize a Plesk Servers

In this article, we’ll look at how to optimize a Plesk server and reduce resource consumption. We’ll also cover how to increase the number of domains a single Plesk server can handle and switch off unnecessary Apache modules. Finally, we’ll look at using caching plugins to help increase your server’s performance. But before we get into those specifics, let’s review some common tips to make a Plesk server run faster.

Lessening server resource consumption

Lessening server resource consumption can be accomplished in two ways. One way is by optimizing the CPU and RAM usage. The other is by decreasing the frequency of network requests. Many network services consume a lot of bandwidth and can lead to significant server load fluctuations. For these reasons, the ideal solution is to use a software tool that automatically adjusts server load based on the time of day. Lessening server resource consumption can help you increase server performance and minimize server costs.

Switching off unnecessary Apache modules

You can switch off certain Apache modules in Plesk to reduce server resources. You can do this by going to Tools & Settings > Apache Web Server. This way, your server will consume fewer resources and be able to host more websites. Apache restarts can be either graceful or normal. Switching off the cache module is particularly helpful when you’re running a VPS or a Plesk server.

To disable the unused Apache modules, you need to go to Tools & Settings > Apache Web Server. Once there, choose the Preferences tab and click on ‘Use the default’. After this, you should enable the module you’d like to use. If the module you’d like to use is not listed there, contact your service provider for assistance. If you’d like to disable it altogether, you should go to Tools & Settings > Apache Web Server.

To make Apache run faster, you should switch off the module that makes it slow down. You can also reduce the number of restarts by turning off piped logs. When Apache receives log files, it restarts, and this can cause server performance issues. To avoid this, turn off piped logs in Plesk. This will avoid the need to restart Apache every time you want to access your domain.

While it may seem tedious and time-consuming, the main benefits of this modification are security and stability. By disabling the unused modules, Plesk users can access their files only through the web root directory. Without the index file, the content of the document root directory will be shown instead. To make the contents visible, you can change the server’s settings. In the same way, you can make your web pages visible to only index files.

Increasing the number of domains a single Plesk server can manage

Adding more domains to a Plesk server is possible with a few clicks. First, log into Plesk control panel and select the large “Add Domain” button. Next, select the domain you want to add. When the domain is added, Plesk will ask you to specify its username. You can also specify an IPv6 address for your domain. While IPv6 is not used everywhere, it will improve accessibility. You can also specify a username and password for the files that are associated with a domain.

When it comes to control panel features, Plesk is far superior to cPanel. It has a simpler control panel, but it has some shortcomings. Increasing the number of domains a single Plesk server can manage is a common issue with Plesk. In contrast, cPanel separates customers and domains in two different panels.

To increase the number of domains a single Plek server can manage, you need to add more IP addresses or IPv4 addresses. If this does not work, you can upgrade your Plesk server with an extra license. If you run into this problem, you should upgrade to another service plan. However, you must remember to use your own dedicated IP address to manage the Plesk server.

Adding more domains to a single Plesk server is easier than you might think. Plesk offers more flexibility and self-repair tools to resolve common technical errors. It also has a large library of extensions, allowing you to manage more domains with a single Plesk server. However, you should also make sure that the number of websites you plan to manage on the server is not too high – too many domains on one server can cause trouble.

In addition to upgrading Plesk, you should also consider installing SSL/TLS certificates on your sites. This will protect sensitive site pages and prevent password theft. Furthermore, you can configure redirections from HTTP to HTTPS, which will make the site secure against man-in-the-middle attacks. However, this is not always possible in large-scale hosting. Hence, you should take precautions to increase the number of domains a single Plesk server can manage and install SSL/TLS certificates in your sites.

Using caching plugins

Modern browsers cache files and other resources they need to load quickly. This can make your server run faster. Caching plugins work by downloading copies of your web pages. They also help improve your site’s Google page speed score. After installing a caching plugin on your server, you can test the results and then disable the plugin. If you don’t notice any speed improvements, disable it and test again.

Depending on your needs, you can install opcache to improve your site’s performance. Opcache is available with PHP 5.6 and newer, and it can improve your site’s speed by two to four times. To get the best performance boosts, you must upgrade your Plesk server’s PHP version to a higher version. PHP 7.3, for instance, offers a 30 percent performance increase.

Some plugins can require you to tweak the page caching settings. If you’re using a plugin for an online store, for example, you’ll need to add the Wishlist page to the exclusion list so it doesn’t affect other pages. Object Cache, on the other hand, may help boost your server’s performance. Although it’s recommended to disable database caching, Minify can affect certain themes.

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